Conditions to Participate
Community, Ceremony & Connection With Intention
Our Shared Practice
In all Wild Sabbath gatherings, events, and experiences
Life is ceremony
Ceremony feeds Life
Community is a practice
An open mind and heart are essential
Acceptance of others as they are is vital
All lifestyles, Nations, genders, faiths, ages, and ways of being
Are welcome to feel at home
Free from judgement, division or structures of "power-over" or "against".
We learn from everything
From the moment we show up
We are in ceremony
We conduct ourselves with integrity, compassion,
a willingness to learn from all moments
and a desire to let go, love more, and help out.
When we struggle or react
we ask questions, we look within,
we seek the lesson, and offer deep listening
with spiritual intelligence, genuine humor, and humility.
To grow this way together and within ourselves
we become emotionally vulnerable and spiritually sensitive
to hold the power to connect and the safety to heal
we understand there must be limits and boundaries:
We cannot support or welcome
violence of any kind
racism of any kind
religious judgement, or any diminishing "othering",
including unwelcome touch
or sexual comments/romantic advances during the gathering.
Repetitive interrupting, consistent unmoderated sharing, and
not respecting the experience of others or the guidance of the moment
is disruptive and disturbing and while we can learn from it
it is not the culture we keep.
We are conducting energy and intention
to create a brief sanctuary of peace and remembering.
All views, challenges, suggestions and disagreements
are very welcome, after the gathering and in private,
with organizers
or during an intentional time of community sharing.
Remember, to be in ceremony
is to know that all of our intentions, wishes, actions and attitudes
are amplified and witnessed by the presence of
our human and More Than Human Communities.
Human-ness is loved, accepted, and encouraged
egotism and against-ness are not.
Children are welcome.
Fragrances are discouraged.
Ask permission to touch and hug.
But, remember, we do like a good hug!
If you have special needs of any kind
let us know.
If this all sounds good to you
then jump in and let's hang out!
If you find this statement of conduct and care
isn't a fit for you
we will miss you
but you will likely be happier elsewhere.
We absolutely reserve the right to excuse anyone
from our gatherings if harmful or disruptive to the shared process.
Thank you for understanding and respecting these community values.